Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll

Reflections of a one year old graduate

A bit more than a year ago I was wearing a cape and a strange hat whilst celebrating the end of university. That was a day filled with excitement, pride and happiness. 3 years of hard work had finally come to an end. However, these feelings wear off quickly because the day after you wake up with the truth; you're unemployed. Due to the unsuccessful job hunt I decided to expand my horizon and do a Masters too, because more education should be able to get me a job no? Well it kind of did since I am not unemployed but the Masters made me realise many things about my previous degree.
First of all I came to understand that it doesn't matter how well you do in University if you don't actually go out that and get the experience. Everyone can pass an exam but not everyone can do something that affects other people. I've always had the ambition of making the world a better place and the only way to do this is to actually make the first move and attempt to influence others. If I've changed one person's view then I have succeeded.
Secondly, sometimes it's not me, it's them. What I mean with that is that sometimes we end up in situations where other people can do things that affect your outcome. When this happens it is important to analyse whether it is your fault or theirs. If it's your fault, change what you are doing! This might mean that you have to actually ask for help and admit that you are struggling. If it's them you have to options, either adapt to them or explain to them that their behavior is effecting the outcome badly and there needs to be something done about it. When doing this, though, you have to come with suggestions how to improve this because other it's not constructive feedback, it's criticism which no one likes.
Thirdly, always attempt to improve. When you get results back, don't just settle for it. Ask how to do it better. By doing this I managed to go from 55% at one presentation to 87% in another one, simply because I asked my lecturer what I could do better. We get feedback to learn from it, not as proof that the lecturer has marked you fairly. If you stop trying and not making an effort to become better you will be stuck in life and that doesn't give you any ground for being able to pay back your student loan that is very likely to be causing some sleepless nights.
Fourthly, speaking of sleepless nights; there is no shame in having a good night's sleep. Yes, as a student that often means being called boring but believe me, you will appreciate it when you are working full time and need to worry about tax and other grown-up stuff.
Last of all, being a grown-up is not as easy as it looks. It comes with responsibilities that you would never consider when you are a student. Not only that, other people expect you to behave like a grown-up. You can't get away with watching TV until 3 in the night or get ridiculously drunk because your boyfriend broke up with you because your boss will notice if you don't come in to work the day after. In uni no one could care less but at work, you'll risk getting fired. But don't get me wrong, being an adult is great. Just remember to enjoy the little time you have to actually live your life carefree because it will be over sooner than you think.


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