I have been blessed with a somewhat normal life. My parents aren't famous, my family doesn't have some sort of gigantic bank account and I haven't achieved any kind of fame or success as many people would call it. This has made it possible for me to grow up and live my life without having everything handed to me. I've also had the opportunity to learn that sometimes life isn't always about fame as some people seem to think. This was something I recently stumbled upon when my mother was trying to arrange an event for an organisation that gives scholarships to girls and help out at the Jewish old age home. During this they had asked Beppe (a Swedish presenter for a kids TV program) to perform. Not only is he jewish and this is a jewish organisation but he is also related to one of the people organising the event. These two factors together should be incentive enough to anyone to show that he cares about charity work and helping out. Not only to please his family and community but to actually behave like a good person and be a good role model to children as he is getting his income from entertaining children. However, he decided to drop out because he got offered a paid job. I'm not in the position to say that he can afford skipping one paid job but from the looks of it, he has enough jobs at the moment to be able to do one charity event.
As a person who has a future career in media even I can understand that dropping out from a charity event for a paid job looks bad in everyone's eyes and the brand a famous person is aiming to build around his name will quickly get destroyed when the society sees that he is not trustworthy and unreliable. In some jobs within media you would get fired if you were late so you can imagine how bad it looks to drop out 2 weeks in advance as Beppe did.
This is not the only example I could give you when it comes to celebrities choosing money and fame over actually being a good person and this is something that has bothered me for a while now. We tend to think that money and fame is going to make us happy, as if it was some kind of serotonin we get implanted if we become rich and famous. I don't speak from experience but I think the fact that some of the most famous people in the world have drug issues, suffer from depression etc is proof enough that it is not how it works.
Celebrities often get the question how their lives changes when they become famous and they say that they are still the same person. We all know that is a lie. I'm not saying their lives have changed in a negative way but everything we do in life changes us and so does fame. The fact that they are claiming that they are still the same person shows that they are trying hard to show the world that fame hasn't changed them but if that was the case they wouldn't have to defend themselves. Their behavior would speak for itself.
Famous people are often looked up to as if they were special in some sort of great way. Some of them might be but if you think about it, they are only famous because we acknowledge them and due to this many of them actually become bad role models that we look up to. We let them reach a point where we won't even notice if they stop caring about other people since they are fantastic in our eyes and obviously have no flaws. As we can see in Beppe's case, this isn't true and they might in fact have more flaws when it comes to prioritising what's important in life. But who am I to talk, I'm just a girl who tries to help out whenever I can so I clearly don't know what succeeding in life means.
As a person who has a future career in media even I can understand that dropping out from a charity event for a paid job looks bad in everyone's eyes and the brand a famous person is aiming to build around his name will quickly get destroyed when the society sees that he is not trustworthy and unreliable. In some jobs within media you would get fired if you were late so you can imagine how bad it looks to drop out 2 weeks in advance as Beppe did.
This is not the only example I could give you when it comes to celebrities choosing money and fame over actually being a good person and this is something that has bothered me for a while now. We tend to think that money and fame is going to make us happy, as if it was some kind of serotonin we get implanted if we become rich and famous. I don't speak from experience but I think the fact that some of the most famous people in the world have drug issues, suffer from depression etc is proof enough that it is not how it works.
Celebrities often get the question how their lives changes when they become famous and they say that they are still the same person. We all know that is a lie. I'm not saying their lives have changed in a negative way but everything we do in life changes us and so does fame. The fact that they are claiming that they are still the same person shows that they are trying hard to show the world that fame hasn't changed them but if that was the case they wouldn't have to defend themselves. Their behavior would speak for itself.
Famous people are often looked up to as if they were special in some sort of great way. Some of them might be but if you think about it, they are only famous because we acknowledge them and due to this many of them actually become bad role models that we look up to. We let them reach a point where we won't even notice if they stop caring about other people since they are fantastic in our eyes and obviously have no flaws. As we can see in Beppe's case, this isn't true and they might in fact have more flaws when it comes to prioritising what's important in life. But who am I to talk, I'm just a girl who tries to help out whenever I can so I clearly don't know what succeeding in life means.
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