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Visar inlägg från februari, 2015

Open letter to NHS

Dear NHS, 8 months ago I went to my GP and asked for a referral to a psychologist. At that point I had just recovered from depression and I felt ready to get support from someone else, something I was scared of before. As any GP would do he sent a referral straight away which led to a phone assessment only a week later. This gave me hope. Finally medical care that takes me serious. Since I was in a stable position in my life at that time I explained to you that I was currently not in a bad state but I wanted to prevent it from happening again. In my opinion that was a logical way of moving forward since I was more likely to be responsive to the treatment when I felt good than if I was at rock bottom. Due to my case not being as urgent as others I had an understanding of that I would have to wait in line as everyone else. You told me it would take 2-3 months. After 4 months I hadn't heard anything from you and I could feel the depression and negative thoughts sneaking up on me. I...

Sometimes thank you is not good enough

As my regular readers know, I have depression. This has been going on for many years and I've had my ups and downs. The last 3-4 months or so have been bad, really bad but I am finally feeling that I'm emotionally stable to some extent. I know that this has been mainly because I've been working on myself to achieve the things I wanted to achieve in life. I've reevaluated what's important in life and I've learnt how to deal with certain things that hurt me before. But this is not a post about how I've dealt with depression, no this is a post to say thank you to the people that have been there for me. I would say thank you for helping me to get out of it but that would be a lie. Depression is unfortunately not anything someone else can treat and as selfish as it sounds, I am the only one who has got myself out. However, I can thank you for being supportive, understanding and patient. The last 4 months made me antisocial, negative and sometimes very difficult...

When fame gets to our heads

I have been blessed with a somewhat normal life. My parents aren't famous, my family doesn't have some sort of gigantic bank account and I haven't achieved any kind of fame or success as many people would call it. This has made it possible for me to grow up and live my life without having everything handed to me. I've also had the opportunity to learn that sometimes life isn't always about fame as some people seem to think. This was something I recently stumbled upon when my mother was trying to arrange an event for an organisation that gives scholarships to girls and help out at the Jewish old age home. During this they had asked Beppe (a Swedish presenter for a kids TV program) to perform. Not only is he jewish and this is a jewish organisation but he is also related to one of the people organising the event. These two factors together should be incentive enough to anyone to show that he cares about charity work and helping out. Not only to please his family and c...