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52 books in 52 weeks

We live in a society where reading is often considered as a geeky thing to do. Kids that read a lot get called bad words in school, adults that read are considered antisocial and yet there are so many people out there blogging, writing books etc.  Some people write for themselves but believe me, many of the writers do it because they want others to read it. So if we write things for others to read, why is it considered geeky to read? Honestly, I have no answer to this because in my opinion reading is a way to use your imagination and put yourself in someone else's place. It develops our skills of understanding and expands our vocabulary.
Yes, it is true that Kindle and iPads have made reading a bit 'cooler' but it is still not encouraged as much as I believe it should be. This has led to me trying to read more with the hope that some people might be inspired by it or at least I'll have many books to recommend.
So what am I doing? I'm attempting to read 52 books in 52 weeks. It's not impossible and it's definitely not overambitious as some people have told me. The amount of time we spend infront of a computer everyday can be used for reading instead. We are way too obsessed with computers and sitting infront of a screen so what better way to get some distance than reading.
How do I think this will help me?
First of all, I'll read more. Reading is something I love and it helps me relax. By doing this I will have to take time off for myself and close myself off from the outside world for a bit. I'm not trying to isolate myself but I'm trying to set some time off for 'me' which I think everyone should do sometimes.
I have no scientific proof of it helping people to develop their creativity but I believe that the more you read the more vivid imagination you can have. By being able to take different themes from different books I might be able to develop my own story and be more creative which is important in media, which I want to work with.
I'll learn a lot by reading. Partly because some of the books will reflect real stories but I'll also be able to learn from the fictional books. Many fictional books teach you how to deal with real life situations and hopefully they can teach me that too.

As you might have realised already we're already 2 weeks in of the year and so far I've read Lord of the Rings and The Five people you meet in heaven. Both which I have enjoyed and will probably write reviews on in the near future. Currently I'm reading the Hobbit which I'm extremely excited about.
I'll update you on the list from time to time and hopefully you'll be inspired to read the books I've read or recommend me other books.


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