I'm a woman who believes in equal rights. No person should be judged based on sex, gender, race, nationality etc. According to many I could therefore be called a feminist and the definition of the term supports that. However, I often choose to be open about not being a feminist but an equalist for one simple reason; many women seem to think they should have some kind of privilege because the society isn't equal.
The reason for why I believe feminism has gone too far is due to the fact that as a woman in today's society we are told that we are the victims. I very rarely see myself as a victim, not when it comes to the fact that I am a woman at least. It has become acceptable to say that you didn't get a job because you are a woman and call any man who ever shows an interest in you a creep just because he checked your body out. Let me tell you something, sometimes you don't get a job simply because you are not the best person for the job and not all men are creeps just because they check out your body, if that was the case then girls would be creeps too because we check out men's bodies.
We make ourselves look like victims when we are as sexist as men. Just the fact that some women believe it's ok to walk around town like this shows the double standards.
Women do get raped, many women get assaulted but men get attacked too but that is clearly not something these women care about. All that seems important to them is that they are allowed to behave however they want to. That is not feminism, that is selfish.
I have to admit, there are adverts on TV or in magazines that do disturb me due to it being based on sex (because we all know sex sells) but these pictures sell to women too which I see being worse than using it to sell to men. We are being fed with a message that showing off a lot of skin is the way to be perceived beautiful and that's the issue, not that men are more likely to buy a product if they see a lot of a woman's body since that is just simply how nature works.
As women we also seem to think we can get away with objectifying men. Just one example of how adverts can be sexist towards men too is the Diet Coke advert where the man takes off his shirt and looks all seductive.
As women we also seem to think we can get away with objectifying men. Just one example of how adverts can be sexist towards men too is the Diet Coke advert where the man takes off his shirt and looks all seductive.
Or this french one that encourages people to exercise.
If women want to be equal we are going to have to be equal in every way and not believe that we can get away with objectifying men but the second they objectify women they are being sexist pigs.
Another issue in the society is how we constantly talk about men's jobs and women's jobs. Women constantly say that they feel uncomfortable in a male dominated market but if we constantly avoid going in to a market where there are many men then it will continue that way. The people that are in the industry already shouldn't stop you from pursuing your dream. I want to work with audio production so I am going to go into that industry regardless that most of sound technicians are men. Believe me, men meet the same kind of struggle when they want to go in to a female dominated market but in that case no one bats an eye.
If women want to be seen as men then we have to stop focusing on the fact that we are different sex. Yes, I believe men and women are different but when it comes to doing a job it shouldn't matter and in my opinion it doesn't.
We need to start to accept that not everything in life is fair. This means that sometimes a man will get the job and sometimes there will be more men in one industry than women but the first step is to disregard the societies label on jobs. If you are a woman who want to be considered the right person for the job I have a solution, stop complaining about equality and work your way to the top instead. That way you can prove to the society that you are an independent woman instead of saying that you are when in fact you're actually just trying to get special treatment. That's not feminism, that's being a hypocrite.
We need to start to accept that not everything in life is fair. This means that sometimes a man will get the job and sometimes there will be more men in one industry than women but the first step is to disregard the societies label on jobs. If you are a woman who want to be considered the right person for the job I have a solution, stop complaining about equality and work your way to the top instead. That way you can prove to the society that you are an independent woman instead of saying that you are when in fact you're actually just trying to get special treatment. That's not feminism, that's being a hypocrite.
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