I'm a woman who believes in equal rights. No person should be judged based on sex, gender, race, nationality etc. According to many I could therefore be called a feminist and the definition of the term supports that. However, I often choose to be open about not being a feminist but an equalist for one simple reason; many women seem to think they should have some kind of privilege because the society isn't equal. The reason for why I believe feminism has gone too far is due to the fact that as a woman in today's society we are told that we are the victims. I very rarely see myself as a victim, not when it comes to the fact that I am a woman at least. It has become acceptable to say that you didn't get a job because you are a woman and call any man who ever shows an interest in you a creep just because he checked your body out. Let me tell you something, sometimes you don't get a job simply because you are not the best person for the job and not all men are creep...
A girl's confusion about everything