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Society failing...part 4

For the people that have followed my blog for a while now has probably seen my pattern; I find something I can have  rant about and then rant about it for a few hundred words or so. This time it is the World Cup.
If you just fell on to the earth you might have missed that the World Cup in football is currently going on but even if that was the case you probably would catch up on it before you even realise you are on earth. Everything is influenced by this tournament that is suppose to determine which country plays football the best. A whole world is watching 22 men running around on grass chasing a ball. Don't get me wrong, I love football but we tend to forget that there are other things in the world.
This is a common occurrence when there is some kind of competition between countries. The focus is on being the best. It makes me wonder if the problem in this world isn't the violence, it's the need we have to always win. It seems like there is a constant competition and we aren't happy until our country is the best at everything. I come from Sweden, we haven't been best at anything for a while now except for being equal but it seems like that has become a competition too. We need to constantly push it further than all other countries but that is a completely different discussion.
With the World cup happening at the moment people stay up the whole night to watch a game, spend money on bets, beer and merchandise that is only relevant for about a month. It seems like we expect the whole world to stop just because the World Cup is on. So what happens when the World Cup is over? Well the world goes back to normal and we completely forget that it was happening until 4 years later when we need to prove ourselves once again.
I'm not saying the World Cup is purely bad. It's an event that gathers the whole world together and gives us an opportunity to watch good football but I think we need to find a mix between real life and football. When seeing people on Twitter write about how sad it is that 3 innocent boys got murdered and then straight after Tweet about how upset he is because there are no games until Friday makes me doubt that he actually meant what he Tweeted first because in the end the world cup is more important to him. Once again, we have a constant need to prove that our country is better than the rest.
Maybe that is the problem in the world. We are focusing too much on winning that we forget that the ones losing are the ones we need to help. We are just to selfish and proud to acknowledge that.
So what should we do instead? I still believe we should have the World Cup but I believe it would be better if we also realised that in the end it's just a sport. It won't solve any wars, it won't come up with the treatment for cancer and it is definitely not worth planning your life after. We need to take it for what it is instead, enjoy the football but keep going with our lives the way it did before, and will do, after the World Cup because although the country you support might win you haven't actually achieved anything. Do you really want to be the person saying that you watched 22 men chasing after a ball whilst someone else says he was contributing to the society?


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