A little bit over a week ago 3 innocent boys where kidnapped in Israel. Some might say they were on occupied territory, some might say they were in Israel. To me it doesn't matter. These boys had not harmed anyone. They were simply trying to get to somewhere by doing what they usually do, hitch-hike, when they got taken away without anyone knowing where they are. 3 mothers, 3 fathers are waiting for their sons to return. They are going everyday without knowing if their sons are alive. Personally, I can't imagine that feeling. I don't think anyone can but there is one feeling I can have about the situation and that feeling is frustration.
As a Jew I very often have to defend Israel. People often ask me if I agree with Israel killing innocent people and if I think it's ok for Jews to live on the West Bank. I usually answer them with my opinion because I'm not afraid to say what I stand for but in this situation my opinion about what Israel does doesn't matter. The thing that matters is that these boys are people, just like you and me. They happened to be born in a country where there is a constant conflict but that doesn't give anyone the right to take them away for their family and friends. I think people that have opinions about the conflict here in Israel tend to forget that when they are picking sides they are actually choosing whose life is worth more. I don't believe they are doing this on purpose but in many cases by supporting one side you forget the innocent victims on the other side.
So when people ask be if I'm pro-Israel I answer yes but I also quickly add that I'm pro-Palestinian too. I believe that they should have their own state. In some kind of dream world I wish we could live side by side even though I know it's impossible the way it is at the moment. But I can't actually say I'm taking Israel's or Palestinian's side. The only side I can take is the innocent people. The innocent people like Gil-ad, Naftali and Eyal that have done nothing that gives anyone the right to kidnap them.
I'm not pointing my finger to anyone because who am I to blame other people but these situations happen often in Israel. We were lucky enough to see the return of Gilad Shalit, after being kidnapped for years he got to return to his family alive. But people forget this, it's easy to only see one side. Israel is killing innocent people, Israel is building houses on occupied land, Israel is doing this and Israel is doing that. Yes, it's true. Israel has done those things, I'm not even going to pretend they haven't but that still doesn't make it right to take it out on innocent Israelis and it makes me extremely frustrated that some people defend this action because of something Israel has done. We need to remember that the people in the country can't be held responsible for what is going on in the country. In war innocent people die unfortunately and I feel for both sides. The difference here though is that the people that have kidnapped these boys are not doing it accidentally, their aim is to hurt people both physically and mentally. It makes it easy for me to point fingers and say I'm proud to support Israel. Why? Because Israel doesn't kidnap 3 innocent boys for no reason. No, Israel comes together to pray for these 3 boys to return safely to their parents and I am joining in. I am praying that they will Bring Back our Boys and I think you should do the same.
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