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Society failing part 2.

You, me and every adult you see in the world has been a child. We've grown up learning how to walk, talk and so on. We learnt it in different speed but that doesn't say anything about us, we are not defined by how quickly we learn this since we later on in life learn other things that changes our view of the world. What I've noticed recently though when my mind has moved on from being a child to an adult is how quickly the children grow up now-a-days. 5 year olds wear make-up. 12 year olds are talking about sex, drugs and rock n' roll and 15 year olds are having kids. This is not really new to me but it has recently started to scare me.
During a lecture we were put in the situation where we had to discuss how ethical some charity adverts were. Is it ok for organisations such as PETA to have these campaigns going on in public?

My immediate answer was no. This should not be seen by everyone. Some of my coursemates tended to disagree though. They thought that a child has to be exposed to the truth in the world because if they don't they will grow up being naive, close-minded and ignorant to what is going on in the world. As you might have realised already, I disagree.
I can't say I grew up in a protected world where I knew nothing about the cruelty in the world. As a grandchild to 3 holocaust survivors I was aware of the horrible things that could happen even when I was a young child. Then I didn't understand it so there wasn't a point to question it. I simply accepted that there are mean people out there and there is nothing I can do to change it. So I accepted that and moved on. When I got older I learnt that there are things we can do in the world to make it better so I started doing as much as I could but I quickly realised that it was a dead end too. One person's action is simply never enough. This, however, had nothing to do with me being sheltered from the world as a child or not. It had to do with what I learnt when I grew up.
Kids that are exposed to the world and the cruelty won't be more open-minded necessarily. It might have the opposite affect on them. If you think you are older then you are you will never experience the things people your age is doing. There is a risk for you missing out on important stages in your life. When a 15 year old girl has a child because she's been exposed to sex from a young age and therefore think she's mature enough for it, she'll miss out of being a teenager and going to school like a normal child. If a 12 year old starts thinking about alcohol, drugs and partying, he or she won't learn what it means becoming a teenager and learning what it means with having your body and mind change.
We need to stop exposing children to things they don't need to know about or can do anything about. There is a time and a place for everything and yes, we all grow up at different speed and are ready to understand the world from a grown-up perspective at different times but that is happening way too early.
Society keeps failing to take care of its' citizens. Instead of rushing our kids into the cruelty of the world, let them believe in peace and an idyllic world where we all love each other because sooner or later they'll experience something that will make them change their mind. When that happens they will question their former opinion and learn how the world actually looks like and that life isn't fair. In the end, it's because of us adults that the world is falling apart because if we stopped teaching our kids about cruelty and hatred, the world would probably be a better place...even if that sounds cheesy.


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