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New Year's resolutions

Here we are the first day of the new year. Our Facebook news feed is full with statuses saying Happy New Year, New Year is trending on Twitter and everyone seems to be analysing the previous year and decide what they are going to do differently this year to make their lives even better. Usually I promise myself to do all these things such as exercising more, eating healthier, studying more and spend less money and believe it or not, I always end up breaking the promises after about a week. So this year I've questioned myself, why do I even bother to promise myself all these things when I know I will break them sooner or later and just end up disappointing myself? 

The answer is clear, there is no good reason for me to do this so I decided not to promise myself any of these things and instead actually focus on what I already have. So for 2014 my New Year's Resolutions are
  1. Promise myself not to promise myself to do anything. Yes, this makes no sense at all in one way but when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. This year I am not going to promise myself to do something because I end up not doing it I've ended up disappointing myself and that is something I rather wouldn't do. Instead I am going to try to achieve what I want to achieve but if I don't I won't have to feel like it is a big deal since I can always try again.
  2. Don't try to achieve something that is impossible. Don't say the sky is the limit when there are footsteps on the moon and yada yada yada. I know, but seriously, why should I try to aim higher than I have to at the moment. There are always things I can accomplish and once I've accomplished them I can try to do something else but there is no point skipping all the steps getting there. If you aim for things that you know you can do you will end up feeling more content with yourself since you've actually managed to do something. This doesn't mean you shouldn't challenge yourself but there is a difference between challenging yourself and trying too hard.
  3. Trust what my head tells me to do. Our brains work in very complicated ways and I can't say I understand how but there's one thing I'm sure of. Our brains know us better than we know ourselves. Sometimes we think with other bodyparts but that usually ends up as a failure. If my head tells me to do something, I should probably do it because that is the most logical way. Even if we sometimes should use our hearts that is not the organ that was designed for us to think with and believe it or not, the brain does know what to do even if you think you don't want to. 
  4. Lastly, don't try to do anything differently if it has been working so far. If your life is working well and you are content with how your life is at the moment, why promise yourself to do all these different things to make it better? If it wasn't good before you should probably have changed it already because no one wants to be miserable or sad. Of course, things can always get better and you learn from your mistakes and move on but there is no need to change things that are going well and if something needs changing, don't promise yourself to do it, JUST DO IT as Nike says.
Even if these seems like New Year's Resolutions, they're not. These are just things that are pointing out how we should continue to live our lives the way we're living them without making it too complicated for ourselves. In the end we're going to end up standing there the 31st of December 2014 thinking back on the year we've just had and realise that all the things we promised ourselves to do ended up being broken promises. We'll end up promising ourselves the same thing year after year instead of looking back on the year and realise that the good things that happened to us weren't because of our New Year's Resolutions, it was because of our normal day-to-day life that comes natural to us. 
So I want to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope that this year, you will experience only good things, accomplish great things and learn from your mistakes without having to promise yourself to do all these things because if you think about it, you've been trying to do this the whole time, haven't you? 


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