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Boxed up sex

We watch a lot of TV in my student house which means that it has become the place where we all gather in the evenings, mostly watching reruns of Come dine with me or Big bang theory but sometimes we also feel like spicing our TV habit up a bit by watching these surprising programs that Channel 4 put on. Whilst Made in Chelsea is strictly forbidden on our TV, programs like Embarrassing bodies and Rudetube are often being watched. Due to this weird range of TV-programs we decided that we were going to try out the new program Sexbox. For you people that haven't seen it the concept is easy, a couple goes into a box and has sex. During this time some so-called Sexperts talk and then the couple comes and discuss the lovemaking. It took me a while to understand why anyone would come up with this idea and waste money on this but during the program they were constantly trying to explain that people don't talk about sex even though it is very natural and that people should dare to talk about.
Personally, coming from Sweden, I grew up being taught sex ed from early age and there are many different TV-programs where they discuss sex and everything that belongs to it but never did I even think that those programs would be more entertaining or more interesting if I knew a couple was having sex behind a wall. 
After watching about 30 minutes of the program I wasn't more educated about how different couples see sex or felt that it was acceptable to talk about and to be quite honest, it seemed like the couples didn't know what to say either. I'm not blaming the couple for making the program boring because lets face it, if they told every detail about what was going in there it would easily have seemed like some kind of reading of a wannabe 50 shades of Grey or one of those kinky books that seems to be popular. I don't know what channel 4 is trying to say because the program didn't seem to get any serious response at all by looking at the twitterfeed. 
Some of the tweets 
" = when The Cube goes wrong"
"I hope they change the sheets between sessions :( "
"I'm confused. Do these judges buzz if they aren't impressed? "
"I feel sorry for the guy who has to clean the box "

As you can judge from just these 4 tweets no one seemed to be able to take it seriously. A show that is going to encourage people to talk more openly about sex should be educational and not play on people's obsession with being intrigued by what's going on behind close doors because even though Channel 4 is trying to do a good thing (or bad, if that's your opinion about talking about sex) they are failing since no one really cares about what they are saying. So even though I hated it but still wanted to watch it the message did not reach me and I wouldn't want to watch the program again because lets face it, how many times can someone tweet about Sexbox being Cube gone wrong before it gets boring? For me that was about 5 minutes into the program. Maybe they should spice it up a bit and see how many people they can fit in the sexbox. That would probably make better TV. 


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