A while ago I go into a discussion with an old jewish friend who now doesn't associate with Jews at all. We started talking about whether God exists or not and why I believe in something that you have to prove but still haven't been able to prove . She strongly believed that God is something we made up a few thousand years ago and believing that praying is going to help us is completely unnecessary. It is basically just us talking to ourselves and thinking it is going to make life better. As the conversation moved on the obvious argument came up, if there is a God why are there evil people in the world? To be honest I don't have a good answer to any of these questions so I usually end up answering the question with another question. Why should we not believe in God. There is nothing to disprove that God exists and even if it were so, why can't you not believe in something that makes you feel stronger and gives a some kind of hope. It doesn't hurt anyone or aff...
A girl's confusion about everything