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GTA V from another perspective

Last week Grand Theft Auto V was released and every single newspaper I read that day wrote about the game. You could almost say it was the most important happening in the world this week, at least the newspapers made it look like that. Personally I have never played the game and I can't say I understand what purpose the game has and I see it as a waste of time, but then again, who am I to talk when I spend hours playing candy crush. However, this is not one of the problems I have with this game. There are many other things that bugs me.
First of all is the way the game is designed for boys (or men but people that play computer games are not real men). The women in the game are either prostitutes or women that rely on men. I'm not one of those who fight for women's rights but I do find this strange. As a girl, I would have liked to be able to play the game as a female character but the creators of this game has made it clear: women are not suppose to play this game and if they do they need to realise that only men can be part of a world when you need to be able to fight and defend yourself. Women are only in the world to use and feel sorry for.
This is not the only problem with the content of the game. The game also consists of men running around shooting people, stealing cars and selling drugs. Why people enjoy doing this is nothing I can understand but maybe it is because people see some kind of entertainment in pretending to be criminal but I also find this strange. Why do we want to pretend to be criminals when the society works hard to stop criminality. Why can't we just play games where we sell apples instead of drugs, drive cars we've bought for money and shoot water balloons instead of each other? It sends out a picture of a world to people that we don't want to live in and that we are striving to leave and get rid off. This is especially bad because children are playing this game. Some may argue that they are too young to understand what is going on but I think that makes it even worse since they also don't understand that this is not how the world looks like and this is not how we want the world to be like. People don't seem to understand what kind of message this game is sending out to the players and how much it actually affects them.

This brings me to the point that upsets me the most, how people make this game rule their lives instead of them seeing it as a video game. When this game was released the flu suddenly arrived everywhere, at least in Sweden. Men called in sick, children stayed home from school and parents went to the shops to get in line with their under aged kids to buy this game that has an 18 year old age limit. When I heard this my first thought was "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?" We live in a society where honest, hardworking people struggle to find a job and still there are people that don't take their job seriously and believe that they have the right to skip work a few days so they can play a video game. This is extremely rude of them, disloyal and quite frankly sickening. Letting a game decide your life is the most irresponsible thing I've heard in a long time. Grown-up people with jobs shouldn't be able to call in sick so they can play this stupid game. I'm not saying they can't enjoy it after work regardless my opinions of the game but they need to know their place in the world. They have signed a contract which they are breaking. They are lying to the society and to themselves and for some reason the jobs just sit back and watch them do this. If I was their boss they would be out of the office before they even managed to shoot the first person in the game. Seriously, wake up! If these people want us to treat them as grown-ups and let them get money from the state when they are ill they should behave like adults. And if this wasn't bad enough, adults letting their children skip school so they can buy a game that they aren't even allowed to play. I think some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids since they don't seem to take any responsibility for them. What kind of message are they sending out their children? These kids are going to grow up thinking they can do whatever they want since it is ok to lie to the society and skip school, call in sick and not take responsibility. Because of these reasons I think this game shouldn't even be sold, not until the players grow up and learn that the picture in the game is not the real life and there is a real world out there that they are a part of that they need to priority because if everyone behaved like them, we would all end up staying at home every time there was something more fun than work and lets face it, it would probably be every day. 


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