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Biting, kissing and other things we shouldn't have to see.

Football is suppose to be a friendly game with one pitch, 2 teams, 22 players and thousands of people in the audience cheering on their favourite team. At least that is what a naive person would think. What they don't understand is that football isn't like that at all. If you've never been to a football game it might be difficult to understand but it is actually more like there is a gladiator game going on on the field and the people aren't cheering, they are usually singing rude songs about the opponents. There is a whole culture around the pitch and it is quite common for fans to get into fights with each other. It's far from all the fans but a fan often gets the label of being a hooligan. I don't have much experience of games in England but in Sweden people go mental during games and even the most well-raised person can sit and start swearing and use rude words that would never come out of his mouth at another time.
Personally, I see this as a problem but lately I have started to consider this as a much smaller problem than what actually goes on with the players. The players now-a-days seem to come up with more creative ways to win the match. I've even started to think that the players are trying to make some kind of football version of 50 shades of Grey, something that seems inappropriate but becomes so many people's guilty pleasure. Just look at Luis Suarez, biting another player to get the ball. 

Nice Renato Civelli, a bit nicer but still provocative kissed Zlatan during a game to make him step back.

These are just a few examples but it clearly shows how football players aren't behaving a role model should. Everyone is allowed to do something wrong once or twice but it seems like football players constantly do things that seem strange and inappropriate. This wouldn't be a problem if they were just pieces in a game but they're not. Unlike the fans, the players are role models to many people. No one looks up to the supporters and say "I want to be like that when I grow old" but the players are in a constant spotlight and there are children, and even grown-ups, around the world thinking that they wish they were like some of the football players. 
I think the problem is the way the players get punished. The same way as someone who doesn't behave right in an office gets fired, a football player should get punished too. After all, it is his job. Biting Ivnanovic wasn't the first mistake Suarez has made during his career but he keeps on playing. Yes, he gets punished for a few games but then he's back on the pitch like nothing's happend. There should be some kind of warning ladder that you climb and for every warning you get your punishment get longer. That way it might help to get rid of the players that don't see the importance they have in the world. 
It would be a shame to see football players having to leave the teams because of one mistake and don't we all deserve second chance but how many chances should some people actually get. Football should be something fun and we shouldn't have to watch people hurt each other just to win a game. Believe me, I see the importance in winning and how it can seem to be the most important thing at the moment but in the end that is wrong. We don't want our kids to take after the stupidity some players do and whether it is biting, kissing or just an unjust tackling, that is not what the fans came for. So if the players could just cut that out we could all enjoy the game and be able to look up to these players that have the potential to be good role-models to so many people. 


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