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The magic with theatre

I have recently rediscovered my love for theatre. The last month I've been to see Wicked and Phantom of the Opera which have made me realise how much I want to work within productions whether it is film or theatre I don't really care because the concept is the same. There is so much more to it than what we see. I think what makes me fascinated about it is how every single detail makes a difference to what people notice and there is so much time put into how to lay up everything.
Although both of the musicals  are very good and I really enjoyed both of them I have to say that Phantom of the Opera is a masterpiece. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a genius composing those songs and creating a line in the music running through the whole play. The way the melodies are repeated makes everything connected to each other. But if it was just the music that made the musical excellent I would say Wicked is better but it's not. The way of scene changes in Phantom is thought through to every single corner of the stage and they create illusions making you see things you aren't really seeing. My favourite scene is when the Phantom takes Christine down to his room the first time. By just turning the coulisse we are suddenly in a different place and the steps are coming out of the wall like magic. It creates an intense feeling with the audience not expecting the next move. By their way of using smoke to create mysic water made me even more impressed by the scenography. Even though there are so many more possibilities to bring out all the effects in film the musical is definitely not leaving any details out and even though the explosion of the chandalier isn't as big as in the film it is twice as real since the audience gets to be a part of it and we can hear it, see it and even smell it. An experience we don't get when we watch the film.
The play also surprised me when the phantom was talking and you could hear his voice around the room moving from place to place. The created a feeling of me actually being in the theatre on the stage. It felt so real that I actually turned around to look if someone was singing along behind me.
Theatre has many secrets that the audience doesn't know about, it doesn't make it magic but it makes people see magical things happen with tricks from professional people, the people that rarely get any credit, the people backstage. I want to be a part of that because it is making people see magical things by just thinking of the details. If I had to choose between film and theatre I would choose theatre any day. It is a different experience you can't get watching a film and it is also hard work that needs to be repeated day after day for different audience. I'm not slagging of film but the musicals and plays were written for the stage and every part is designed for it.
If anyone has some spare money I would recommend them to go and see a musical. Any musical by Andrew  Lloyd Webber can't go wrong, he is a pure genius but also, try out new musicals. You never know who the next genius will be.


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