Yesterday many people were glued infront of the game of games in American football this year, the Super Bowl. Me and two of my housemates were 3 of them. One of them actually watches American football quite often, the other one enjoys almost every sport I can think of and I, I just watched it to understand what all the fuss is about. This is the first year I actually stay up to watch it and to be honest, I don't think it's something I'll do again. Yes, it is quite entertaining and I enjoy it but why stay up til 2 in the night to watch 30 seconds of playing and then 10 minutes of commentary and to be honest, of the 30 seconds of playing I understood about 2 seconds.
From my twitter and news feed it seemed like most people were only watching it because of Beyonce and the adverts. Here in England we were deprived (if you choose to see it from that perspective) from the adverts since BBC was showing it. Personally I think that was a shame since it seems like the adverts are a big part of the super bowl and companies make adverts especially for the break. For me that shows that it is not a sports event anymore, it has become a cultural event. I could even say that my twitter feed was full with tweets about Beyonce but only a few about the result of the game. Yet another proof that many people don't really care about the game.
So why do we actually watch it? What makes Super Bowl to one of the biggest events of the year? The American spectator has put it in perspective "I think more people will watch because it is entertainment, pure and simple: something to talk about around the office watercooler, increasingly for males and females." This is exactly the reason for why I watched it. I don't care about the sports but today in Uni I didn't want to be the one to be confused when my lecturer was dancing to Single Ladies or people talking about the black out. It is simply a subject to talk about that no one wants to miss out of.
One thing that confuses me though is why people around the world are so interested in it. We missed out of the adverts, no one really plays American football and we had to stay up to watch it which lead to being tired in the morning. It seems like it's a whole culture built up from it and the main atraction is the half-time show. What people are waiting for is basically for the game to finish so we can watch a famous singer do his/her thing for 10 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy watching Beyonce reunite with Destiny's but I don't need to pretend to be interested in the sport to do that. I can wait and watch it on youtube the day after. Or why don't they just have a normal game and then put on a show with an artist another day?
Although I don't have to sit up and wait for the show because of the great invention of youtube I still sat there glued infront of the tv, watching a sport I barely understand just to feel like I could take part of the whole American atmosphere of watching it together. Maybe that is why it is so big. It is a mix of everything and there are parts everyone can enjoy. It makes people feel connected for some weird reason and the same way as the Royal wedding brought the whole of UK together maybe Super Bowl brings America together and the rest of the world just wants to feel like they are a part of it. At least I wish I could.
From my twitter and news feed it seemed like most people were only watching it because of Beyonce and the adverts. Here in England we were deprived (if you choose to see it from that perspective) from the adverts since BBC was showing it. Personally I think that was a shame since it seems like the adverts are a big part of the super bowl and companies make adverts especially for the break. For me that shows that it is not a sports event anymore, it has become a cultural event. I could even say that my twitter feed was full with tweets about Beyonce but only a few about the result of the game. Yet another proof that many people don't really care about the game.
So why do we actually watch it? What makes Super Bowl to one of the biggest events of the year? The American spectator has put it in perspective "I think more people will watch because it is entertainment, pure and simple: something to talk about around the office watercooler, increasingly for males and females." This is exactly the reason for why I watched it. I don't care about the sports but today in Uni I didn't want to be the one to be confused when my lecturer was dancing to Single Ladies or people talking about the black out. It is simply a subject to talk about that no one wants to miss out of.
One thing that confuses me though is why people around the world are so interested in it. We missed out of the adverts, no one really plays American football and we had to stay up to watch it which lead to being tired in the morning. It seems like it's a whole culture built up from it and the main atraction is the half-time show. What people are waiting for is basically for the game to finish so we can watch a famous singer do his/her thing for 10 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy watching Beyonce reunite with Destiny's but I don't need to pretend to be interested in the sport to do that. I can wait and watch it on youtube the day after. Or why don't they just have a normal game and then put on a show with an artist another day?
Although I don't have to sit up and wait for the show because of the great invention of youtube I still sat there glued infront of the tv, watching a sport I barely understand just to feel like I could take part of the whole American atmosphere of watching it together. Maybe that is why it is so big. It is a mix of everything and there are parts everyone can enjoy. It makes people feel connected for some weird reason and the same way as the Royal wedding brought the whole of UK together maybe Super Bowl brings America together and the rest of the world just wants to feel like they are a part of it. At least I wish I could.
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