When my grandparents were young people got married and stayed married. Divorce wasn't common and relationships were not based on hooking up in a club and then go on a couple of dates. A man needed to court the woman and the family did have a say in what they thought. Time has changed and a relationship isn't just up to the man but there are some changes that make me wonder if people still believe in marriage.
I am 20 years old and I far from ready to get married now but I know that in the near future I will hopefully be. Starting a relationship in my age should be a serious one with the hopes that it will last and lead to marriage. I'm not saying you need to get married this young, I'm just saying that we are old enough to realise what a relationship actually is.
Sometimes I think people have misunderstood the purpose of a relationship and therefore go from one person to the next and when it doesn't work they think that relationships are a waste of time. I believe it is a waste of time for the fact that they don't take it serious. If you don't believe that you are going to spend the rest of the lives together why are you even taking the time to like that person more and fall in love? If you don't want to waste your time, don't even start anything.
It is difficult to understand that you are going to get to the point with a person where you would want to get married because living with someone for the rest of your life is a big step but it shouldn't be too difficult. Millions if not billions of people have done it before. It's a fact of realising the importance with it and that you might not be in love with this person all the time but you can still love that person.
We need to put a bit more effort into our relationships. They are not there for us to have someone to hold hands with and as soon as we get a bit annoyed we end it. I do believe in true love and hope I will find that guy I will fall madly in love with one day but honestly, does he really excist? There is no such thing as perfect and there will always be things that can annoy me. However, we can choose to see the good sides and keep the relationship going on those basis.
We need to put a bit more effort into our relationships. They are not there for us to have someone to hold hands with and as soon as we get a bit annoyed we end it. I do believe in true love and hope I will find that guy I will fall madly in love with one day but honestly, does he really excist? There is no such thing as perfect and there will always be things that can annoy me. However, we can choose to see the good sides and keep the relationship going on those basis.
If relationships worked like they did 100 years ago the society would be different. We would probably have less teenage girls being pregnant because of drunk sex, less divorced people and relationships based on more than hormons.
We've all been young (I still am) and had our crushes on people but those crushes aren't love or what we should base our relationships on. If we instead choose to wait to start a relationship until we actually are ready to see the importance of it we might not have to waste time on people that just end up hurting us and destroying your trust for the next one.
We've all been young (I still am) and had our crushes on people but those crushes aren't love or what we should base our relationships on. If we instead choose to wait to start a relationship until we actually are ready to see the importance of it we might not have to waste time on people that just end up hurting us and destroying your trust for the next one.
Very well said. I completely agree and it's so refreshing to hear someone young express this. You're very wise Naomi. :) Relationships take work and sometimes love is a choice instead of a feeling. I think a lot of people our age(ish) don't understand that and it's a real shame. It also makes it very hard to find a potential spouse who understands this and that's also a shame.