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Visar inlägg från maj, 2012


It is really easy to say things to other people but it is also easy to say it without meaning it. We all had this moment when someone asks you what you think about her/his new shirt and you don't like it but decide that a white lie never hurt anyone. That is a problem. We are too afraid of hurting someone or, even worse, getting hurt. This leads to us lying to other people instead of trying to be honest. By lying to other people you might even end up lying to yourself. You can't always satisfy the people around you and sometimes it is better for them to actually here what you think. By being honest you might end up having people disliking you but who would want a friend who is two-faced and doesn't actually like you. However, there is a line between being honest and being rude. Being honest is talking to the person you have a problem with so you can sort it out and move on. Being rude is telling that person you don't like him without giving him a chance to change or ex...


When my grandparents were young people got married and stayed married. Divorce wasn't common and relationships were not based on hooking up in a club and then go on a couple of dates. A man needed to court the woman and the family did have a say in what they thought. Time has changed and a relationship isn't just up to the man but there are some changes that make me wonder if people still believe in marriage. I am 20 years old and I far from ready to get married now but I know that in the near future I will hopefully be. Starting a relationship in my age should be a serious one with the hopes that it will last and lead to marriage. I'm not saying you need to get married this young, I'm just saying that we are old enough to realise what a relationship actually is. Sometimes I think people have misunderstood the purpose of a relationship and therefore go from one person to the next and when it doesn't work they think that relationships are a waste of time. I belie...

Goody two-shoes

In newspapers, blogs and tv-programs we are very often exposed to people having many problems such as drugs, alcohol, sex and so on. It is like we are surrounded by people that have problems and that it is something acceptable in the society now-a-days. I've read many blogs about people admitting taking drugs, sleeping around or doing something else which they now regret. Don't get me wrong, I admire people sharing mistakes they've made in their life and telling the world that it is wrong and let people learn from their mistakes. However, by exposing these people this much, it makes it look like it is acceptable to behave in that way which is not. We all make mistakes some worse than other but we shouldn't incourage this. Kids watch these people and think that when they are young they can do these things because there is a way out of it and everyone does it when they grow up right? So why can't they do the same. Kids grow up without proper role models. The society...


We live in a world where discussion is open for everyone with access to a computer and internet. There are forums online filled with discussion about almost everything, twitter, facebook and many other sites where we openly express our opinions, many times without thinking. We have gathered and discussed questions for many centuries but it has never been this easy to express your opinion as it is today. This opportunity leads to a world where people are very opinionated and think they know what is going on. We like things on facebook, retweet, comment on articles without actually knowing what is going on and without changing anything. I'm not saying that some people aren't involved and care but many of us are affected by slacktivism, thinking that liking something will actually have an effect when it doesn't. You know it as well as I that kids in Africa won't get food because you like a facebook group. You need to go out and do something about it. Slacktivism isn'...

In swedish but dedicated to Hammarby

Jag är fotbollssupporter. En sådan som står i spöregn och ropar hejarramsor tillsammans med vilt främmande människor men trots att jag aldrig träffat människorna förut vet jag att vi har någonting gemensamt; kärleken till laget. En känsla som andra inte kan förstå. Det är den känslan Kenta Gustafsson sjunger om i sin låt ”Just idag är jag stark”. ”Just idag är jag stark. Just idag mår jag bra. Jag har tron på mig själv på min sida.”Att vara fotbollssupporter innebär mycket mer än att heja på ett lag. Det är som en slags religion som man är trogen livet ut. Att byta lag är otänkbart, inte ens för alla pengar i världen. Om man byter lag är man förrädare. En förrädare är ingen riktig supporter. Man blir en sopa, en idiot, en bondjävel. Lika dålig som Lee Baxter som blev bänkad av sin egen pappa. Även spelare ska vara trogna sin klubb. Spelarna ska ge 110 % och som lagmedlem är du skyldig fansen det. Gör de inte det vänder publiken de ryggen fortare än kvickt. Som supporter lever man för...

Being a fan is a religion too

We all have something we find extremly important in our lives. For some people it's animal rights, fashion, nuclear weapon and for some people it is a football team. I think most of us know a person that live, eat and breathe football. I won't say I am that kind of person but I know some of them. I actually have  a tendency to get along with these people. If you don't support a team it might be difficult to relate to it and understand what it is all about. It is impossible to realise why that person is nervous before the game, not answering during the match and either sad or happy depending on the score. The truth is that the team is a part of you and therefore you feel, not for them, but with them. Football isn't just a sport, it is a culture. Even though the players, chants and coaches change you keep on supporting the same team because you feel some kind of belonging to it and nothing is going to change it. Most people that feel this strong for a team grow up knowin...