As a first year student there are times when I feel like I am struggling and won't be able to get all my work done. It is not easy to write your first essay in university or prepare for seminars if you are not used to it. I had never written an essay where I needed to reference properly or had work to prepare for every single seminar and I never had a seminar where I wouldn't be able to participate if I hadn't done my work. In school you don't have that responsibilty but we are suppose to when we go to univerisity.
I have so far written 6 essays and working on my 7th one and I still find it difficult. I need to sit down, look for sources, take notes, organise the notes and then write it all down again with my own words and analyse it. The problem isn't that I can't do it because I've proved myself wrong many times and written essays that I consider quite successful. The problem is to actually take the time and do it.
Even when you're tired and feel like there is no need to actually study you have to push yourself to do it. It is not worth to wait until the last minute to actually get it done. If you start as soon as you know that you need to do it you will have plenty of time and therefore have time to do other things.
I spend a lot of time with my friends and doing other things than just studying. Many people, and I have got comments, think that I am a student that is happy with being avarage since I do a lot of other things. The fact is that I'm not. I just use my time the best way and take every moment I can to write on my essay to do it. I start on time which means me being prepared when the due date actually comes.
I know it sounds difficult and I used to wait until the last minute but so far I've done 6 essays and finished them on time and got good results on them so maybe you could trust me on this one. Organise your time. Decide to write a bit every day and you won't be stressed the day before the due date.
I have so far written 6 essays and working on my 7th one and I still find it difficult. I need to sit down, look for sources, take notes, organise the notes and then write it all down again with my own words and analyse it. The problem isn't that I can't do it because I've proved myself wrong many times and written essays that I consider quite successful. The problem is to actually take the time and do it.
Even when you're tired and feel like there is no need to actually study you have to push yourself to do it. It is not worth to wait until the last minute to actually get it done. If you start as soon as you know that you need to do it you will have plenty of time and therefore have time to do other things.
I spend a lot of time with my friends and doing other things than just studying. Many people, and I have got comments, think that I am a student that is happy with being avarage since I do a lot of other things. The fact is that I'm not. I just use my time the best way and take every moment I can to write on my essay to do it. I start on time which means me being prepared when the due date actually comes.
I know it sounds difficult and I used to wait until the last minute but so far I've done 6 essays and finished them on time and got good results on them so maybe you could trust me on this one. Organise your time. Decide to write a bit every day and you won't be stressed the day before the due date.
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