Going to university is important for many different reasons. We all need to get educated to be able to get a job and we all can't learn by doing the job. Personally I think university is more than that. It is a place when you have the chance to find yourself, figure out what you want from life and take the step out to the adult world.
Many students choose to spend their student loan on alcohol and going out to clubs at least once a week. As much fun as it seems I have never been interested in the whole partying every weekend lifestyle. Instead I've chosen to be involved in a student society. Jewish as I am gives me the possibility to be involved in the jewish student society (Jsoc). I am today starting my position as co-chair which is going to be exciting.
To take a responsibility like that as a student will hopefully teach me many things. I believe that getting involved in something else than partying will teach me how it is to be a working adult. It doesn't make me a better student, it might even make my results worse but when it comes to actually being able to do a job I will have the experience of being responsible for more than only myself.
What I do as a chair will affect other people and not just myself. In university I'm only responsible for my own work and if I fail I am the only one who will be punished but if I don't do my part in the committee the whole committee and all the members will be affected.
I recommend everyone to see university as an experience instead of a school. We are there to learn about the subject we chose but we are also there to grow up and prepare ourselves for our future jobs. My teacher used to say in school that we learn for life not for the test. I never agreed on that but when it comes to university that is actually true. We might know our subject really well but if your student life only contains ofalcohol, partying, writing essays in the last minute and hang overs you won't be prepared to start your adult life in the end.
Enjoy your time in uni but try to get some knowledge out of it too!
Many students choose to spend their student loan on alcohol and going out to clubs at least once a week. As much fun as it seems I have never been interested in the whole partying every weekend lifestyle. Instead I've chosen to be involved in a student society. Jewish as I am gives me the possibility to be involved in the jewish student society (Jsoc). I am today starting my position as co-chair which is going to be exciting.
To take a responsibility like that as a student will hopefully teach me many things. I believe that getting involved in something else than partying will teach me how it is to be a working adult. It doesn't make me a better student, it might even make my results worse but when it comes to actually being able to do a job I will have the experience of being responsible for more than only myself.
What I do as a chair will affect other people and not just myself. In university I'm only responsible for my own work and if I fail I am the only one who will be punished but if I don't do my part in the committee the whole committee and all the members will be affected.
I recommend everyone to see university as an experience instead of a school. We are there to learn about the subject we chose but we are also there to grow up and prepare ourselves for our future jobs. My teacher used to say in school that we learn for life not for the test. I never agreed on that but when it comes to university that is actually true. We might know our subject really well but if your student life only contains ofalcohol, partying, writing essays in the last minute and hang overs you won't be prepared to start your adult life in the end.
Enjoy your time in uni but try to get some knowledge out of it too!
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