After living with depression for many years and lately experiencing a difficult time I have noticed that there are different type of people you meet. 1. Some people simply can't understand what it means by being depressed. They tend to think of it as someone just having a bad day when in fact someone who is depressed is very likely to feel like they have a bad life. It's completely understandable that it is hard to grasp the concept of a mental illness that causes so much problem that it might even cause physical pain. I guess it's like everything in life; if you haven't experienced it you won't know how it feels like. 2. Some people are good at adjusting to the person with depression and understand the concept even though they won't know how it actually feels like. These people are the ones that will listen to you when you need to talk but won't treat you any differently or be worried what they do will trigger your depression. They know that when you have...
A girl's confusion about everything