Two years ago by this time most of my Swedish friends were starting to freak out. It was time for them to choose university, college or think about maybe taking a year of and do someone else. For me my plans where already decided. I had a couple of months earlier decided that I was ready to try something new and explorer the world a bit and therefore applied to university in England. Being a Swedish person applying to university in England isn't an easy process even though we are both members of EU. I had to take an English test, go through the UCAS process as everyone else and to make it even more complicated I didn't really have the possibility to have a look at the different univeristies. Going through UCAS might seem easy if you are from England but the truth is that writing a personal statement and getting letters of recommendation is different from the application process we have in Sweden. My decision to study in England didn't surprise my parents since two of my s...
A girl's confusion about everything