This week’s Parasha, Shelach, tells the story of the 12 spies being sent out to Israel to report to Moshe what kind of land there is. As you might know 10 of the spies come back with the update that there are inhabitants that will be dangerous for the Jews. However, two of the spies confirm this but say that with G-ds help they would be able to defeat the enemies if needed. The punishment for the people that believed the 10 spies was to wander in the desert for 40 years. When reading this there is one thought that comes to mind, if Hashem was going to punish the Jews for believing the 10 spies, why did Hashem even send the spies? Personally, I would say that this was probably a way for Hashem to test our trust in him. We had just received the Torah and we had already defied him once. Maybe we just weren’t ready to have enough faith in Hashem. We needed some more time to become a people that would put our trust in Hashem. Nachmanides explains that the spies were sent out to be ab...
A girl's confusion about everything