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Visar inlägg från april, 2016

Blogging 101

This was suppose to be my 101st blog post which explains the title but things came in between. However, these 4(?) years of blogging hasn't particularly made me an expert in blogging so I don't feel like I am the rightful person to give advice. What I can do though is share what blogging means to me and how it has changed my life. I used to have a lot of opinions that I didn't share with people. These opinions kept burning inside of me and I became angry and frustrated with the world. This was one of the reasons for why I started writing a blog; I felt the need to express my opinions and my friends were getting sick of hearing it. When having an online platform where I could write whatever I liked I suddenly became less afraid of expressing my opinions and I actually stand for what I thought. It was relieving to not be afraid of speaking up for once. Having a blog means a lot to me, it's a place where I can say whatever I want (thank g-d for freedom of speech) but it ...