We live in a world where we are constantly told what to think, say and do. Social media feeds us opinions that creates a world where we don't have to make up our minds or even be able to explain why we have our certain opinions. I can't seem to go one single day without seeing a post on Facebook or Twitter about moral issues such as vegetarianism, religion, feminism, peace in the middle east or gay rights. It's turned into a machine that thinks for me and tries to push these ideologies on to me without me even realising that what I'm doing is being a sheep, following the herd. This has created a problem, we all have opinions about everything but they are not our own opinions. As a woman who believe in equal rights but isn't one of those women that keep a poster of Rosie the Riveter in my room, I often get the need to say that I am not a feminist. But then again, I believe in equal rights which pretty much makes me a feminist so why don't I speak up? Why don...
A girl's confusion about everything