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Visar inlägg från november, 2013

Hypocritical Me

We live in a world where we are constantly told what to think, say and do. Social media feeds us opinions that creates a world where we don't have to make up our minds or even be able to explain why we have our certain opinions. I can't seem to go one single day without seeing a post on Facebook or Twitter about moral issues such as vegetarianism, religion, feminism, peace in the middle east or gay rights. It's turned into a machine that thinks for me and tries to push these ideologies on to me without me even realising that what I'm doing is being a sheep, following the herd. This has created a problem, we all have opinions about everything but they are not our own opinions. As a woman who believe in equal rights but isn't one of those women that keep a poster of Rosie the Riveter in my room, I often get the need to say that I am not a feminist. But then again, I believe in equal rights which pretty much makes me a feminist so why don't I speak up? Why don...


This year jews around the world (mostly in America) will experience something that only will happen once in our life, thanksgiving will be at the same time as Chanukkah. For me this won't change anything, I will still light my chanukkah candles and give my gifts away and then move on with my life enjoying the atmosphere of friends and family getting together just to relax. One thing that has struck me is how people seem to be obsessed with this coincidence and they have therefore invented a new name for it: Thanksgivukkah. It seems like they've invented a new holiday and are trying to combine these two holidays into one and make the traditions work together but personally I really don't believe they go together if you don't realise what it is that we're actually celebrating and combine them in a valuable way. For me Chanukkah is the holiday when kids get their gifts and compete with each other who got the best gift, even if this is not the purpose of the holida...