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Visar inlägg från juni, 2012

The fuss about royalty

A couple of weeks ago it was the christening of the Crown Princess' daughter in Sweden and last week UK celebrated the Queen 60 years jubilee. These 2 events made me think of why there is such a fuss about the monarchy. We take our time to celebrate them and honour them for their service to the country but what do they actually do and why do we take our time to focus on someone else's life? The royal family is suppose to represent the country without having  a connection to a political party but how can they represent a country when they don't live in the normal society? The royals are born into a family which is protected and they never get a chance to live a real life. Where ever they go they will be treated in a special way and this will affect their view on the world and therefore won't be able to represent the people. You can't represent something you don't know. I'm not saying that the Royal Family never do things us commoners do becuase they do go to...

Thought on friendship

I have now finished my first year of university. It is a strange feeling knowing that in two years time I will be done with university and moving on with my life but it is also a good feeling knowing I've been through another year filled with experiences and new insight on life. One thing I knew before university but never really appreciated as much as now was the value of friendship. This year I've made friends that I want to make an effort to keep in touch with. I had fight with friends but sorted it out because it was more important to me than leaving it and just staying friends with the people I got along with and the most important thing, I've learnt who I can trust. Being a friend is not just finding someone else funny and listening to them talking about interesting things, it is also about hearing someone complaining about the same thing over and over even though you give them advice what to do. It is accepting that this person might never take your advice but you w...