Yesterday was the rememberance day for the fallen soldiers in Israel. It is a sad day in Israel but also a day when I feel sad in whatever country I may be. We are honoring the young people, girls and boys, that are in the army in Israel and are fighting for our right to be there. For me these people are heroes. It is a feeling difficult to explain but for me these people are the bravest people I've heard of. They are only 18 years old but have to grow up and take the responsibilty to keep the Jewish population safe. This day is important to all Jews around the world. To make you understand what some of these people are capable of doing I will tell you a true story about a soldier. The soldier Roi Klein. Roi Klein was a soldier in a fighting unit in Israel during the Lebanon War 2006. He was a father of 2 sons and just a normal man living in Israel. During the war he was with his unit and he noticed a handgrenade being thrown into the group. His first reaction wasn't what mo...
A girl's confusion about everything